What is corporate identity and why should we even care about it?

We know that some brands exist, while with others we may know specific products. But there are also those where just hearing their name brings to mind not only their logo, but also the values they represent and their relationship with customers or their worldview. This is a sign of a quality corporate/brand identity. Or is it rather a brand image? Wait, what’s the difference?

When someone utters the magical phrase “Coca-Cola,” we probably don’t just imagine a black sweetened beverage, but also the simple red and white logo, the Christmas truck, some of the legendary ads, or even a personal memory. Coca-Cola carefully builds its corporate identity. Even though I’m not a fan of this iconic drink, I have great admiration for the way their bottle of sweetened beverage has conquered the world.

They create various campaigns, we see them on TV, on Facebook, on the street, but every time we see them, we know it’s still the same Coca-Cola. And that’s why we still drink it. Now imagine if your brand evoked similar emotions in people.

Brand Identity vs. Brand Image

Corporate identity (brand identity) is often mistakenly confused with the term brand image. However, each of these terms means something slightly different.

Brand identity is how a given company represents itself. The most well-known components of brand identity include logos, business cards, websites, promotional items, social media profiles, values, community events, headlines, blog articles, ambassadors, brick-and-mortar stores, in-store service, the scent of physical stores, company t-shirts, and so on.

Brand image, on the other hand, refers to how customers perceive us. It is, in fact, the result of our brand identity. When we have a well-crafted brand identity, people trust us, buy from us, associate us with positive experiences, and our brand simply evokes pleasant emotions in them (that’s brand image).

But let’s not keep naming just one American drink. We can move on to an Austrian drink, for example. Red Bull has offered only one product for most of its existence. And with it, it has conquered the world. It was probably not because it tasted so much better than the others, but rather because it was able to build an incredibly strong corporate identity. We don’t just see the Red Bull brand on supermarket shelves, but also on the shirt of almost every acrobatic pilot, Formula racing driver, freestyle skier, or astronaut who jumps out of space with a parachute (seriously).

What does a corporate identity consist of?

To build a strong brand identity, you don’t have to organize air race competitions or anything like that. Just remember that brand identity is not just a logo and business cards. Corporate identity primarily means unity. When a person looks at your website, Instagram, and product, they should immediately know that all these things belong together. How to achieve this? By using the same fonts, a consistent color palette, a similar tone of voice, and many other things.

We don’t have to look for examples only abroad. We have a number of companies here in the Czech Republic that have created a loyal network of customers thanks to their quality presentation. Just look at Kofola or Pilsner Urquell. In both cases, consistency and creativity are clearly visible. And it is precisely because of these qualities that customers can fall in love with you. Remember this – whether you are handing out badges, organizing an event, or filming an advertisement. All of this is part of your brand identity. And everything should reflect who is behind it.

The world's most valuable brands 2022

  1. Apple
  2. Google
  3. Microsoft
  4. Amazon
  5. Facebook
  6. Coca-Cola
  7. Disney
  8. Samsung
  9. Louis Vuitton
  10. McDonald’s

You can find the complete list compiled by Forbes HERE

Brand Book (Brand Manual)

A brand book is a manual for maintaining brand identity in all aspects of business. It contains a set of rules that explain how the brand works, what the main brand elements are, and what the main goal is. The brand book influences every marketing campaign, communication, product/service and makes the brand consistent at all levels.


The philosophy behind the company, its mission and brand values, the "personality" of the company, ideal customer,...


This section contains and prescribes rules for logo usage, font system, color palette, and other visual elements to maintain a cohesive appearance.


What tone of voice does your company communicate in? How do you want people to feel when interacting with your company? This is the section where all of that will be clarified.

What a brand book can contain

The brand book directly reflects the needs and priorities of the company, and therefore, it is not strictly defined what a brand book must or must not contain. The content is fully customized. The brand book is also often perceived as something that is adjusted and expanded as the company grows, and this manual often grows alongside the company.







I offer services for creating a brand book that will assist all internal and external collaborators in maintaining a consistent company identity across all communication channels and materials.

The creation of a brand book is a highly cooperative process because the philosophy behind your company must primarily come from you, but I offer assistance through visual representation and questions regarding specific areas.
